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Parenting Archives - Freelance Mompreneur

5 Secrets for Being an Awesomely Successful WFH Parent

Being a work from home mom can be exhausting when you don’t have a plan of attack. Take it from a struggling freelance turned business owner stay at home mom whose two biggest flaws are organization and procrastination.

Having the right tools in your arsenal is the best way to survive the harrowing journey of being a self-employed stay-at-home parent. It’s taken me years to realize that there are things you must have to be successful. And once I started implementing smart tips I’d learned from other expert freelancers, business owners, and entrepreneurs, I started seeing major success in my business. 

These days, I’ve launched several brands dedicated to making and promoting resources for other freelance entrepreneurs. And today, I’m sharing five secret weapons any stay at home parent needs to have for a stress-free work schedule. 

Secret 1 – Have a Plan and Backups

If you check out trending sales on digital ecommerce stores like Etsy, you’ll quickly realize that one of the top sellers is planners. It’s a proven fact that people love to plan. 

The sheer number of options is enough to make anyone’s head spin. And if you end up as a creator of said products, you’ll find a gold mine of an opportunity. Interested in learning to make printables and planners? My favorite resources are 

hen you manage your time and your life correctly, you get everything done without stress. 

My perfect WFH Small Business Owner Planner is a notebook of various planner sheets in different focuses, guaranteed to manage every aspect of my life. For someone who is the worst at time management, planning, and organization, it took some time to get the hang of putting effort into so much planning. But now, I can’t manage my day without it!

  • Hourly planner – for appointments 
  • Daily planner – for to-dos and tasks
  • To-Do list 
  • Weekly planner
  • Monthly calendar
  • Holiday planner sheet
  • School event sheet
  • Kids calendar – for sports, birthday parties, social events, tutoring, doc appointments
  • Meal planner
  • Shopping list
  • Cleaning checklist – daily quickie, one-room deep clean, burst declutters
  • Brain dump
  • Weekly work plan – research, content creation, marketing, planning, promoting
  • Pet care list – grooming, play dates, exercise, checkups, shots, medicines
  • Home maintenance – filter changes, pest control, smoke detectors, decluttering
  • Health plan – medications, doc visits, period tracker, weight tracker, exercise plan, 
  • Emergency contact page for the house 
  • Personal journal

Secret 2 – Build a Support System

Working from home can be a lonely job, especially if you’re an extrovert that thrives on human connections. As an introvert, I thrive when I’m in my comfort zone.

I prefer to stay in my home, in my pj’s, as often as possible. And avoiding people is at the top of my priority list. Yet, I’m also a very social person that enjoys random long talks with people. 

My family often jokes that I can make conversation with a light post. And they’re probably right. My empathic nature and strong urge to make the world a better place, even if it’s just by making one person have a good day, drives me to talk to anyone. 

graph comparing introvert, extrovert, and ambivert

I guess the appropriate term is an extroverted introvert – ambivert. I’m also a renaissance mind, meaning I love to learn. I want to know – anything and everything. IDC what it is or what I learn. Maybe that’s why I have a million hobbies.

Secret 4 -Find Your Shortcuts

One resource I’ve discovered in the past few years since we all had to change the way we operate businesses is summits. A summit is like a conference, except hosted online via recorded or live video streams. 

A group of industry leaders will get together and share their expertise with registered users based on a set theme. During these events, there are often a lot of free resources given away as a thank you for the attendees. 

But the truth is that these free resources are the speakers’ way of luring potential customers into their spiderweb of marketing. In the industry, we call these lead magnets that lead customers into a funnel. 

The speaker offers the attendee an awesome gift for showing up, usually a free download. For anyone that signs up to get my weekly email list full of thousands of dollars in free resources, I offer an undated 2023 planner or a single sheet downloadable dog care planner

Once you have potential clients on your email list, you can start pitching your paid products

There’s No Real Secret to Being a Successful WFH Parent

Although I’ve given you my five “secrets” for being a WFH parent, none of this information is new data. There are hundreds, if not thousands of people out there better than me as WFH entrepreneurs.

And yet, if you follow the journey of twenty random home-based business owners, you’ll see that while everyone has similar advice, our different perspectives and life experiences gives us unique views and approaches. While there are some right moves to make in your business, there is no one right way to do it. It’s about finding what works in your industry and your life.

5 Ways to Expand Your Small Business

Over the last 18 months, I’ve devoted major energy and focus on finding ways to make money without having to do a ton of work. While I love writing for my clients, it’s time that I invest as much effort into my business as I’ve been doing for others.

While I still make money as a freelance writer with several regular customers under my primary business Sara Trimble Freelancing, I’ve also decided to branch out by establishing several new niche sites.

If you’re a regular here, you already know that my primary business is being a niche expert in freelance, small business, working from home, mompreneuring, and writing. And that I’ve also built brands in:

With so many areas of niche expertise, it makes sense that I would expand my brand to encompass new money making opportunities. A ton of businesses are seeing large success rates with the use of digital products. So, I’ve decided to give it a shot as a simple way to expand my small business.

How to Expand Your Small Business

Growing your business can be a rewarding experience. Here are some steps to help you expand your small business without a lot of work, experience, time, or money invested.

Secure funding: Depending on the type of expansion you’re planning, you may need to secure funding to support your growth. This could include seeking out investors, applying for a business loan, or crowdfunding.

Hire additional staff: As your business grows, you may need to hire additional staff to help you manage your increased workload. This could include hiring employees, freelancers, or contractors to handle marketing, sales, or customer support tasks.

Invest in technology: To support your growth, you may also need to invest in new technology or software tools to help you manage your business more efficiently. This could include tools for managing your finances, tracking your inventory, or automating your marketing efforts.

Measure and adjust: As you implement your growth strategy, it’s important to measure your progress and adjust your plans as needed regularly. This could involve analyzing your sales data, soliciting customer feedback, or seeking advice from other business owners or industry experts.

Expanding your small business can be challenging, but by taking a strategic approach and being open to new opportunities, you can position your business for long-term success.

Launch New Products or Services – Identify Your Target Market

Before you can expand your business, you need to know your ideal customers. Take some time to conduct market research to identify your target customers and find out their needs and pain points.

This will help you create new products or services that meet their needs and attract new customers to your business. And it ensures that your new products or services are differentiated from your competitors.

Identify gaps in the market and create new offerings that meet the needs of your target customers. For example, if you run a blog, you could expand your business to include ecommerce, digital goods, affiliate marketing, or being a virtual assistant.

You might also need to invest time and resources in developing and launching your new offerings, such as hiring additional staff, creating marketing materials, and training your team.

Expand into New Geographic Markets – Develop a Growth Strategy

Once you’ve identified your target market, you need to develop a growth strategy that outlines how you plan to expand your business. This could include launching new products or services, expanding into new geographic markets, or partnering with other businesses to offer complementary services.

If you’ve saturated your local market, consider expanding into new areas. This could involve opening a new physical location or selling your products or services online to reach customers in different regions.

Partner with Other Businesses

Seek out complementary businesses that you can partner with to offer bundled services or cross-promote each other. For example, a yoga studio could partner with a massage therapist to offer a wellness package.

Diversify Your Revenue Streams

Don’t rely on one source of income. Consider adding additional revenue streams, such as selling products online, offering consulting services, or hosting events.

Acquire Other Businesses

If you have the financial resources, consider acquiring other businesses that complement your own. This could help you expand your customer base, access new markets, and gain valuable expertise.

There are plenty of websites that have already been set up and marketed with a steady client base and income stream available for purchase.

Make Your Business Better By Expanding

In today’s world when the cost of everything is going up dramatically, including the price of running a business, it’s crucial that you have multiple revenue streams. It’s no longer enough to only target one area of the market. You want to try getting visible in multiple areas to get the most amount of customers and sells.

Like what you read? Be sure to follow my blog to get updates on my sporadic postings. I’m trying to stick to a regular posting schedule. But as a mom of four small humans and four dogs and several chronic health conditions, your guess is as good as mine on when I get around to adding content. I don’t want you to miss out, as I often have limited-time offers!

And if you like FREE stuff, great advice, and cool resources, get on my email list NOW! As a thank you, you’ll get an instant email sending you a FREE undated yearly planner. And access to my DropBox full of FREEBIE goodies, often seasonal in nature.

Are you trying to start up a business? Get this Printable Busines Startup Planner now!

Looking to get your work featured? Message me about guest blogging, product reviews, or hosting a giveaway or interview to borrow my fans and grow your brand!

Battling the Mid-Summer Blues While Surviving Summer for WFH Mompreneurs

Hey there, fellow busy mompreneurs and dadpreneurs! Can you believe it? Another school year looms ahead while summer is in full swing, and our little people are growing up right before our eyes.

As a mother, this time of year always brings a mixed bag of emotions. This year, more than most; my firstborn graduated from high school. Come August, our three remaining children start senior year (last year of high school), 8th grade (last year of middle school), and 5th grade (last year of elementary school).

But before I reach that point, I’ve got to survive summer as a work-from-home mompreneur. It can be exhausting to juggle the work day of work-from-home moms with the unique challenges of keeping kids of all ages occupied for the entire summer.

No doubt, you want to reduce the hours you work so you can spend more time with your children while they’re out of school. But you also want to keep your kids entertained and educated during the times that you have to work.

And you don’t want to have to take on the extra cost of childcare options like daycare, babysitters, nannies, or out-of-home care.

As a mom of four, with older children and young kids spaced out aged 18 to 10, boys and girls, I’m all about having a light work schedule that allows me to make maximum income without taking on a new job. The secret to making a lot of money during the summer months without a lot of work time? Passive income! 

My Five Favorite Tips for Small Business Owner Work-from-Home Moms During Summer Break and Back to School Madness

As most schools around the country are gearing toward the end of summer vacation, many work-at-home moms are floundering to create a plan that incorporates the important tasks for their work schedule with the final days of fun for a personal life. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve delayed doing something with my kids, saying there’s always next year. Only here it is, 2023, and I’ve got older boys who aren’t as interested in doing things the girls like. Take it from this blended mom – love your little boys while they’re young! They grow up faster than the girls and want distance sooner. 😭

I learned a valuable lesson from years of being a single mom struggling to raise my kids with little income and no free time to figure out how to make things better.

Want to know the secret?

Use the events of your everyday life to make money. Here are five great ideas for helping WFH Mompreneurs survive summer break and the madness of back to school.

So, here are five great ideas for helping busy moms balance the day-to-day tasks of their online business with the daily tasks of a full-time stay-at-home mom with kids on summer vacation.

1. Use Affiliate Marketing for Creating Passive Income

For years, I’ve been into making money effortlessly—earning cash without putting in too much effort. The cool thing about this method is that once you’ve created a product, you’re pretty much set and don’t have to worry much about it anymore. 

One way to make money with ease is through affiliate links. As an affiliate, you simply recommend a brand or product to others, and if they make a purchase, you earn a commission. Now, there are plenty of shady and untrustworthy places out there, but if you choose the right programs, it can be a legit way to boost your income. The best part? You don’t need to invest a lot of time to keep the money flowing in.

My favorite way to promote affiliate links is with blog posts. You can promote these posts through social media to get further reach. It’s a great way to ease the parental guilt of spending too much time on your favorite social sites.

Need help getting attention to your blog? Or want to explore guest blogging? Contact me for opportunities!

2. Add an E-Commerce Store Launch to Your To-Do List for Extra Income

So, there’s this other way I found to make some extra cash for your small business without having to work too hard every day. It’s all about having your own e-commerce store. Right now, I’m handling an Etsy online store and a WooCommerce store on my website.

When I first considered selling digital products through online stores, I was totally overwhelmed. The whole process seemed so complicated and scary.

So, for a few months after opening my stores, I kept them empty with no products. But then, one day, I couldn’t resist the FOMO (fear of missing out) anymore. I realized that if I didn’t showcase my products, I wouldn’t make any sales at all.

I must admit, I was super worried about my state of mind and I had major imposter syndrome and felt overwhelmed. But when I finally took the leap and gave it a try, it turned out to be one of the best choices I’ve made for my small business.

If you need help kickstarting your online store, I invite you to join my Free 7-Day Stock Your Store Challenge, launching on October 1st.

Keep in mind that later on, the challenge will become a paid service. So don’t miss out on this opportunity to start your own online business with 100 products in just one week!

3. Help Your Kids Develop a Sense of Creative Pride and Business Entrepreneurship

As a small business owner, I’ve realized that educating our kids about crucial business know-how is never too soon.

Chill, child labor law crazies! No violations here!

We’re all about finding quick and easy ways for them to earn money without sacrificing too much time or effort for each project.

I’ve discovered that encouraging my kids to come up with their own products to sell helps them develop a strong sense of character and teaches them the value of earning money through their ideas and hard work.

Additionally, it’s a wonderful opportunity for quality time with each child and enjoyable family moments during group meetings and projects. By instilling self-reliance in your children from an early age, you can reduce the likelihood of them having to settle for lower-paying jobs like our oldest son did when he worked for less than minimum wage at a grocery store.

Some fun things that your kids (including young children) can do to start making money before they’re even old enough to have an official job include:

  • Painted rocks
  • Custom stepping tiles
  • Custom floor tiles
  • Wall art
  • Kid’s books
  • Recipe books
  • Friendship bracelets
  • Custom Jewelry
  • Paracord accessories

4. Become a Published Expert in Your Chosen Comfort Zone

With the growing popularity of AI writing tools like Jasper (get 10,000 bonus words for free by signing up with this link!), Copy.AI (sign up for your free account), Chat GPT, Bertha (free words or images), and Rytr (try for free!), many people have started experiencing the fear that freelance writing jobs are becoming irrelevant. 

I’m quite happy to say that I don’t see that trend coming true anytime soon. As a busy mompreneur that has yet to onboard virtual assistants to handle the millions of business tasks, I’ve used AI several times throughout the past year. 

It’s a great way to keep organized and stay on top of your work. But it’s not a quick fix. You still have to tweak things to your specific voice, niche, and clientele. Knowing the needs and pain points of your clients can help you create the perfect products that your customers can’t resist buying. 

What I’ve realized over the last six months is that even if ten different entrepreneurs use the same exact items – PLR (private label rights), graphics bundles, and AI chat tools – our unique viewpoints and life experiences can help us create completely unique pieces that appeal to totally different customers. 

I’ve learned that using your unique viewpoint and skills can be the easiest way to develop a good book full of great tips that help your clients take the first step to start their own home-based business. There are plenty of places to sell your digital books, including Amazon KDP. Not ready to start with books? Go small, with a mom blog. 

Be sure to follow my mom lifestyle blog for real-life stories from the trenches of a no-guilt IDGAF Xennial Mom.

Need help figuring out who your perfect customer is and what they want from you? Grab your dream client template on sale with the coupon BIZBEGINNER.

5. Make Simple Money with Summer Camps and Vacations

If you have a large home and you don’t mind catering to visitors, you can make a substantial income by hosting a summer camp. However, there are regulations for this, such as having the proper insurance policy, safety protocols like background checks, classes and courses, and licensing. 

Summer camps can be a great way to involve your older kids in a summer job without them having to leave the house. And it can help them develop important life skills that they can use for future endeavors while teaching crucial personal needs skills.

You often also have to have your home inspected and approved to be safe for children to be present. Not into having kids at your home? Look into hosting public readings at your local library, giving you a great opportunity to promote any products you may create for kids. 

Need kid activity products? Grab this Survive Summer as a Mompreneur bundle full of activities to keep your kids busy with quiet time while cutting down on screen time. 

Have younger kids that you want to teach business and work ethics with hands-on experience? Assigning your kids with simple daily chores, like a load of laundry, tidying up a living room, keeping quiet during the younger siblings’ nap time or when you schedule calls, and helping with meal plan prep are easy ways to start.

Interested in a planner that can maximize time management of your family’s schedule? Grab my extensive life management planner on sale until 5/31 using code CONTAINTHECHAOS. Now is a great time to plan your entire year with ease to have a better time this summer. The two best times to get your life organized are yesterday and now.

Need some school-themed activities to keep your kids occupied and educated? Check out some of my favorite products:

Use These Five Ways to Survive Summer When You Work From Home

​If the last five years have taught us anything, it’s that there are dozens of ways to make money from home without having to devote extra time out of your day to your efforts. I love using the season of life to create new ideas for work from home jobs. Incorporating passive income has been a blessing, allowing me to earn money without having to work, like during a road trip or a kid’s swim lessons. There are plenty of ways to earn money minus the obstacle course hassle of phone calls, Monday morning traffic jams, and nervous deep breaths before corporate board meetings. 

Cut the stress of traditional work by investing full force in your work-from-home opportunities. And set your kids up for future success by teaching them of hard work and product creation from a young age. Once you learn how to start spotting income opportunities, it becomes easy peasy to develop future ideas.

Have you joined my email list to unlock thousands of dollars in free goodies delivered to your inbox weekly? Don’t miss out on all the riches! Get in on the action now. Want a sneak peek at what all you’d get?

I include information about free and paid summits, masterclasses, bundles, challenges, products, and memberships every week.

Use Affiliate Marketing for Creating Passive Income

For years, I’ve been into making passive income – earning money without doing much work. The cool thing about passive income is that once you create a product, you’re basically done. You don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Affiliate links are a super easy way to make money without putting in a lot of effort. Basically, you recommend a brand or product to people, and if they buy it, you get a cut of the profits. Of course, there are some shady places out there that you want to avoid. But if you join the right programs, it can be a legit way to make some extra cash. The best part is that you don’t have to spend a ton of time to keep earning money.

Personally, I love promoting affiliate links through blog posts. It’s a great way to get the word out, and you can also share the links on social media to reach an even bigger audience. Plus, it’s a nice way to justify spending all that time on your favorite social sites.

Need help promoting your blog or want to try guest blogging? Hit me up for some awesome opportunities!

Let’s work together to grow your blog!

How to Keep Kids Busy During Summer for WFHM

As a work-at-home mom, keeping your kids engaged and entertained can be challenging while you focus on your work. Summertime can be an especially challenging time for a work-from-home parent juggling a full-time job while having young children home full time. 

To keep up with a regular work schedule while having young kids around, I’ve come up with the best ways for work-at-home moms to keep younger children occupied throughout their work day. And I also have tips for free time activities for older children. Fill your to-do list with fun activities for the whole family without ruining your work time for a memorable summer.

Tips for the Working Mom to Keep Kids Busy

If you want to keep your regular work hours while your kids are home for the summer,  it’s a great idea to get things in order and establish systems.

As a 20-year veteran of working from home, I’ve discovered several helpful tips for planning kid activities that can help keep them busy while you work.

Create a Daily Schedule 

Developing a daily schedule is a great option for helping establish a routine for your children. It gives them a sense of structure and predictability, reducing anxiety and making them feel more secure.

Include specific time slots for work, breaks, meals, social time, and activities with your kids. This way, they know when to expect your undivided attention and when they should engage in independent activities.

For school-aged children, dedicating quiet activity time is an excellent way to create set times for educational activities. By implementing a daily schedule, you can provide your children with a reliable framework for their day-to-day activities. It helps them develop a sense of discipline and responsibility, promoting a healthy work-life balance.

Moreover, having designated time slots for individual tasks allows your children to focus and concentrate more effectively. This improves their productivity and helps them achieve better results in their educational endeavors.

Additionally, the inclusion of social time helps foster connections and friendships, promoting social and emotional development. Overall, a well-structured daily schedule not only provides stability but also encourages growth and self-improvement for your children.

Get this Daily Schedule for signing up for my email list.

Set Up a Designated Workspace 

Designating a specific area for your children to engage in independent activities while you work nearby is important. This area should be well-stocked with age-appropriate materials to keep them engaged.

Include books, puzzles, coloring books, art supplies, board games, building blocks, or any other toys or activities that your children enjoy. Train sets, sidewalk chalk, watercolor books, and materials for art projects like pipe cleaners, paper airplanes made from a piece of paper, and sensory bins are some favorite toys for younger kids.

To ensure a rich and stimulating environment for your children, you could consider adding additional items to the designated play area. Some suggestions include educational toys like sorting and stacking games, musical instruments such as xylophones or tambourines, storytelling props like finger puppets, and science kits for hands-on experiments.

Furthermore, you might also want to include interactive technology tools like tablets or educational apps, which can provide educational opportunities while your children have fun.

Additionally, consider including outdoor play equipment like swings, slides, or a small trampoline to encourage physical activity and exploration. Remember that the purpose of this space is to allow your children to explore their interests and develop their creativity.

By expanding the range of materials and activities available, you can further facilitate their cognitive and physical development, while also fostering a love for learning and independent play.

Encourage Independent Play 

Independent play is crucial for your child’s development as it fosters creativity, problem-solving skills, and self-reliance. It provides them with an opportunity to explore their own ideas and interests, develop their imagination, and learn how to entertain themselves.

Encourage your children to engage in independent play by providing them with open-ended toys and materials that allow for limitless possibilities. These can include building blocks, dollhouses, play kitchens, art supplies, or even simple household items such as a large cardboard box that can be transformed into forts or imaginative play props.

By engaging in independent play, your child will gain the skills and confidence necessary for their growth and development. So, make sure to create an environment that promotes independent play and encourage your child to unleash their creativity and curiosity!

Provide Supplies for Arts and Crafts 

Arts and crafts activities can keep your kids engaged for hours. Set up a designated craft station with various materials like paper, crayons, markers, glue, scissors, stickers, and glitter. You can use common household items for creative ways for a homeschool mom to do science projects and DIY crafts that your kids can sell to make their own money.

You can provide them with specific craft project ideas or let them explore their own creativity. Popular crafts can include drawing, painting, collage-making, origami, or even simple sewing projects depending on their age and interests. Cardboard boxes can hold craft materials or serve as a base for making projects.

Include Educational Games and Apps 

Educational games and apps can be both fun and educational for your kids. Look for age-appropriate apps that focus on subjects like math, reading, science, or problem-solving skills. ABC Mouse is a great resource for young kids. Prodigy is a good resource for older kids. CreativeBug is a great resource for home mom job ideas and high school kids looking for fun ideas to do. 

SkillShare is a great opportunity to learn new skills that can turn into a new remote job. For first-time sign-ups, you can try SkillShare for free!

These apps often incorporate interactive elements, making learning engaging and enjoyable. However, it’s important to ensure that screen time is balanced and you supervise their usage to maintain appropriate content and duration.

Need some educational printable activities? Check out some of my favorites for younger kids:

Take a Break and Enjoy Outdoor Activities 

Outdoor activities provide opportunities for physical exercise, fresh air, and exploration. Take breaks during the day to engage in outdoor play throughout your summer vacation. 

This could include going for walks, visiting local parks for play dates, riding bikes, playing catch, or engaging in backyard activities like gardening or setting up a small obstacle course. 

Outdoor play helps children burn off energy, improve their mood, and promote healthy physical development. You can also teach your kids about doing something good for others by getting involved in a community service project. 

​Some days, the best time for me to work is when we’re hanging out at the park. It can be hard to get much work done when you’re stuck in the same environment on a regular basis. Freelancing is the perfect job to enjoy summer break without interfering with my income source.

Encourage Quiet Time for Reading Time 

Reading is a fantastic way to engage your children’s imagination and foster a love for books. Set aside dedicated reading times where you and your children can enjoy books together. You can often find summer programs at your local library for little kids. 

On a given day, you can spend your time working in a new setting while your little person enjoys exploring new worlds through books. I love to listen to audio books while I’m working on a new thing.

Choose age-appropriate books that align with their interests and reading level. You can also create a cozy reading nook with comfortable pillows, blankets, and a small bookshelf to make the experience more enjoyable. Track your kid’s reading progress with this printable reading log.

Get your copy for only $0.99 for a limited time only!

And grab these bookmarks for only $0.99 to inspire your kids to read while giving them a fun coloring activity.

Engage in Pretend Play 

Pretend play allows children to develop their creativity, social skills, and problem-solving abilities. Provide them with costumes, props, and accessories to encourage imaginative play. It can be even more fun and interactive – plus occupy extra time that you can use for working or relaxing – for them to do their own work to make props and costumes.

They can create their own stories, act out different roles, and engage in make-believe scenarios. This type of play helps develop their language skills, emotional intelligence, and cognitive abilities.

As a side note, if your kid makes up their own story, you have a great opportunity to start their freelancing career as a published author early.

Teach Your Kid Cooking and Baking

Involving your children in simple cooking or baking activities can be a fun and educational experience. Assign them age-appropriate tasks like measuring ingredients, mixing, or decorating. 

Not only does this keep them engaged, but it also teaches them valuable life skills like following instructions, measuring, and understanding basic cooking techniques. Plus, they get to enjoy the delicious outcome of their efforts.

You can also involve your young family member with meal planning, creating grocery lists, and grocery shopping. Buy this meal planner bundle to get started!

Involving your older kids is a good idea if you want to impart crucial cooking, budgeting, prepping, and planning skills. There are different ways you can involve your kids in the kitchen, besides gathering around the kitchen table to eat.

Explore Virtual Activities 

Virtual activities can be a great way to engage your children and expose them to new experiences from the comfort of your home. 

Look for online classes, storytelling sessions, or virtual museum tours that cater to your child’s interests. Many organizations and websites offer virtual activities designed for kids, ranging from art classes and music lessons to science experiments and virtual field trips. These activities can be both educational and entertaining.

By implementing these tips, you can create a balanced environment that keeps your kids occupied and engaged while you attend to your work responsibilities as a work-at-home mom. Adapt the activities based on your child’s age, interests, and abilities, and remember to prioritize quality time and communication with your children throughout the day.

Remember to adapt these activities based on your child’s age and interests. Finding the right balance between work and quality time with your kids can be challenging, but with some planning and creativity, you can create an environment that keeps them occupied while you tackle your work responsibilities.

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